All Saints' Services and News - Monday 3 October to Sunday 9 October

Services this week

Monday 3 October
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
7.15pm Growing the Church (NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE see
notices below)

Tuesday 4 October
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
1.10pm Lunchtime Concert

Wednesday 5 October
7.45am Morning Prayer
8.00am The Eucharist

Thursday 6 October
9.30am Morning Prayer
10.00am The Eucharist

Friday 7 October
10.00am to 12 noon Small Saints
1.15pm The Eucharist

Saturday 8 October
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
7.30pm Concert by Wycombe

Sunday 9 October 2011
Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Parish Eucharist (ARK meets at 9.40am in the Oakley Hall)
6.30pm Evensong (Hymns NEH 370 t449, 369, 240, Psalm 139 1-18)


The Tuesday Lunchtime concert this week will be performed by
Jacqueline Philips, cello, of the Brook Ensemble.

Growing the Church, Four Studies change of venue Just for tomorrow night's session, we'll be meeting upstairs in the Oakley Hall - back in church next week. We discovered some exciting and unexpected things about our mission last week.   It’s not too late to join in these sessions exploring our future together under God’s guidance.  Light supper from 7.15pm and the sessions will begin with worship at 7.50pm.

Operation Christmas Child - All Saints will be joining the shoe box scheme again this year. To take part just look out for a medium sized shoe box and be ready to fill it with small gifts and useful items for a deprived child. Leaflets with more details will be out later this month. SR Committee

Enable Young People in Buckinghamshire to Make Drug Free Choices!
It’s time to take action to prevent binge drinking and other drug-related problems in Buckinghamshire! Hope UK, a national Christian drug
prevention charity, is setting up a team of 10 (or more!) voluntary drug educators from churches across the county. Could you be one of them? The FREE and accredited training programme will start as soon as
possible. If you’re interested please contact Ian Michell: on 020 7928 0848, or at

On 26 November there will be a concert in the church like the one we held last Christmas. We will be looking for mainly amateur performers who have musical and acting skills. All Saints Church will be open all
afternoon that day with free entry to the concert. You can come and go as you please. Although there will be no entry charge your donations to church funds will be welcome. The reason for telling you about the
concert this early is for those of you who are learning an instrument or act to practise your skills. Help with refreshments on the day will be
welcome. If you would like to perform please call Joe Arthur on
HW 534582.