Services this week
Monday 7 November
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
Tuesday 8 November
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
Wednesday 9 November
7.45am Morning Prayer
8.00am The Eucharist
Thursday 10 November
9.30am Morning Prayer
10.00am The Eucharist
Friday 11 November
10.00am to 12 noon Small Saints
1.15pm The Eucharist
Saturday 12 November
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
7.30pm Concert by High
Wycombe Choral Society
Sunday 13 November 2011
Second Sunday before Advent/Remembrance Sunday
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.30am Parish Eucharist—note earlier time
(ARK meets at 9.25am in the Oakley Hall)
10.55am Act of Remembrance and Civic Service
6.30pm Evensong (Hymns NEH 256, 9, 239, Psalm 89 19-37)
The Tuesday Lunchtime concert this week will be performed by Anthony
Philpot, Organ.
Operation Christmas Child – Your Christmas shoe boxes are due back now, please return your box as soon as possible. SR Committee
Switching on of the Christmas Lights 17 November The church will be open for this town centre festival. We need help offering refreshments, hospitality, etc in the late afternoon/early evening to share Jesus the Light of the World, so if you can be involved for an hour or so, please get in touch with Debbie as soon as possible. Thanks. 07757171612.
SmAll Saints will be having a Teddy Bears' picnic on 18 November in
honour of Children in Need. All welcome, especially if you enjoy honey
sandwiches. Today, Sunday 6 November Kath Dunn is asking the congregation to guess which cake Pudsey will be baking for the picnic. Bring £1 and guess the cake. There's a prize for the winner!
Tickets to the Mayor's Christmas Service (4 December at 4.30pm in All Saints') are available from the Mayor's Office on 01494 421134 or; St Andrew's Bookshop or Tourist Information Centres in Wycombe, Marlow and Princes Risborough. Admission is by ticket only.
Wycombe Homeless Connection – Night shelter is starting from Monday 19 December 2011. Our commitment is from TUESDAY 20 DECEMBER 2011 until Tuesday 27 March 2012. We are asking for single duvet covers, pillows and VOLUNTEERS – for the evening, night and morning shifts to help at Oakley Hall and for people to do the washing. The database is now up and running for you to update your availability. Many thanks. Would you please contact Sheila Doig on 01494 445893 or Chris Lamb on 01494 637776.
Advent Fayre - Jewellery Stall We will be running our usual stall and would be grateful for contributions of old and modern jewellery to sell. Any pieces of broken gold chain or odd gold earrings etc. can be converted into cash too. This year we would like to branch out into Paperweights as well. Please let us have your contributions as soon as possible .All proceeds to Church Funds as usual. Liz and Chris Cunningham - HW 529179
Christmas concert in All Saints’ from 12.30pm on 26 November will have a variety of acts in the church for the shoppers in the High Street to come in and enjoy. There will be no charge for entry but Donations will be welcomed. - We would like to offer hospitality at the concert as part of our outreach, in the form of a warm welcome and refreshments (drinks and cake) so if you're able to help either by donating a cake, welcoming, or serving refreshments for an hour or so, please let Joe Arthur or
Debbie Orriss know as soon as possible. Thank you.