All Saints' Services and News - Monday 28 November to Sunday 4 December

Services for the next week

Monday 28 November
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist

Tuesday 29 November
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist

Wednesday 30 November
7.45am Morning Prayer
8.00am The Eucharist
12 noon Funeral of Bruce Green
8.00pm Breathe

Thursday 1 December
9.30am Morning Prayer
10.00am The Eucharist

Friday 2 December
10am to 12 noon Small Saints
1.15pm The Eucharist

Saturday 3 December
No Morning Prayer or Eucharist
10.00am to 2pm Advent Craft Fayre

Sunday 4 December Second Sunday of Advent
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Parish Eucharist
5.00pm Mayor’s Christmas Carol Service
NB No Evensong


Breathe 30 November 8-9pm in the Quiet Garden: A time of informal worship, Bible study and prayer. All welcome.

Advent Craft Fayre
in All Saints’ on Saturday 3 December, 10am to 2pm. Please do come along and support us.
- Liz and Chris Cunningham are still wanting jewellery and paperweight contributions for the Advent Craft Fayre, tel 01494 529179 or see Liz or Chris in church.
- Cake Stand - We need volunteers to make cakes for the Advent Craft Fayre. If you would like to help please speak to Harriet Peirce or Elizabeth Starling at the back of church after the 9.45 service today so that they can add your name to the list. Alternatively, please phone Harriet on 01494 440503 or Elizabeth on 01494 521745. Please label cakes stating if they contain allergens eg. Nuts and bring them to church between 4pm and 6pm on Friday 2 December, or if this is a problem, call Harriet or Elizabeth beforehand.

Thanks to everyone who supported Small Saints in their Children in Need efforts. We raised £62.

Fair Trade Goods Would anyone like to order any fair trade food from Traidcraft? Please see catalogue at back of church and fill in your details and item required on the list as soon as possible. (There will be more items for sale at the Advent Fayre, anyway). Rosemary Vere.

We can now announce that David and Cathy will be leaving us in the New Year when David goes to take up an appointment as The Archdeacon of Newark in the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham. Some dates for your diary, are 15 January when after the Parish Eucharist there will be a shared lunch and 29 January which is a Civic Service, where David will preside for the final time. David will begin his ministry in the new Diocese after his Collation on Sunday 19 February at 5.30pm.We offer our congratulations and wish them both well.

Tickets to the Mayor's Christmas Service are available from the Mayor's Office 01494 421134; St Andrew's Bookshop or Tourist Information Centres in Wycombe, Marlow and Princes Risborough. Admission is by ticket only.

Wycombe Homeless Connection – Night shelter is starting from Monday 19 December 2011. Our commitment is from TUESDAY 20 DECEMBER 2011 until Tuesday 27 March 2012. We are asking for single duvet covers, pillows and VOLUNTEERS – for the evening, night and morning shifts to help at Oakley Hall and for people to do the washing. The database is now up and running for you to update your availability. Many thanks. Would you please contact Sheila Doig on 01494 445893 or Chris Lamb on 01494 637776.

Christmas Outreach 22 December - Churches Together will be running an outreach event under the Guildhall on the High Street from 11am-3pm. We need help with giving out refreshments, singing carols, wrapping presents and face painting. Can you give an hour? It's a way of raising the profile of Jesus at this special time of year. Contact Debbie 07757171612

Amnesty International are celebrating their 50th Anniversary by holding an AmnesTea event on Saturday 3 December, 10am to 1pm in The Wesley Methodist Church, Priory Road. They invite you to come along for tea and cake and to write a card to one or more persons highlighted in their Greetings Card Campaign.

Wycombe Youth for Christ are holding a Christmas Open Evening on Tuesday 6 December, 7.30pm - 9.00pm, at Kingfisher House, 109a West Wycombe Rd, all welcome.

Join Wycombe Philharmonic Choir at Trinity United Reformed Church, London Road for ‘A Christmas Celebration’ on Saturday 10 December, 7.30pm. Tickets are £10, £8 concessions available from 01494 711628 or at the door.

Notices for Parish News: Issue Sunday 4 December deadline 9am Thursday 1 December