Services for the next week
Monday 1 August
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
Tuesday 2 August
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
8.00pm Contemplative Prayer
Wednesday 3 August
7.45am Morning Prayer
8.00am The Eucharist
Thursday 4 August
9.30am Morning Prayer
10.00am The Eucharist
Friday 5 August
1.15pm The Eucharist
Saturday 6 August
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
Sunday 7 August Seventh Sunday after Trinity
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Parish Eucharist with Holy Baptism
6.30pm Evensong (Hymns NEH 334, 420, 245, Psalm 86)
The Prayer Guild will next be meeting on Tuesday 2 August, 7.30pm, at 17 St Bernard’s Court.
The Parish Office will be closed from Monday 15 August for two weeks, reopening on Tuesday 30 August.
Used postage stamps may be taken to The South Bucks Hospice shop in White Hart Street where they will be sent to their head office for recycling.
Second Hand Furniture If you would rather your unwanted but still useful furniture went to a person in desperate need or on a very low income rather than a charity shop, please contact High Wycombe Central Aid Society (West Richardson Street) 01494 443459.
Coming soon starting Monday 19 September in church
Five evenings over five weeks for the whole church to come together to think and pray for our vision for growing the church.
Coach Trip to Wells Cathedral, 6 August 2011
The trip will include a tour of the cathedral and we can enjoy a concert rehearsal there, which is in preparation for a full Baroque Concert on a later date. Tickets £16 for adults, £6 for children. Cheques payable to All Saints PCC. Please book through the Social Responsibility Committee or Church Office, leaving an envelope marked ‘coach trip’ with cheque, names of those travelling and a contact telephone number. For further info contact Joe Arthur 01494 534582. SR Committee
Quiz Tea in aid of Ringappeal Saturday afternoon 3 September. Please put this note in your diaries early as we hope for a fun afternoon. The Quiz will take the form more of a Hunt around Church, getting to know corners and items you may never have seen or read before and there will be a prize for the winner. The Quiz will start at 3.00pm. and will be followed by Afternoon Tea. £5 for Adults and £3 for children. Please bring your friends and Tickets will be on sale in a few weeks' time. Any queries to: Liz and Chris Cunningham.
A theatre trip to see Warhorse. The date is now confirmed as 4 October and tickets are £50 which includes the coach fare. Please email the Church Office or speak to either Myra Rodrigues or myself in church if you would be interested in going. Joe Arthur
Karaoke Disco & West Indian Buffet - Saturday 1 October...more details will follow nearer the date.
South Bucks Children’s Book Group present ‘stories in the garden’ in Wycombe Museum Garden on Wednesday 3 August, 2.30-3.30pm.
Robert and Tricia Newton will be giving a talk on bells and bellringing on behalf of the Friends of Buckinghamshire's Historic Churches at Chalfont St Giles on Thursday 8September, 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. Tickets are available from Robert Newton on 01844 352926 or from Nick Morgan on 01844 291217 for £7 which includes a glass of wine.
Notices for Parish News: Issue Sunday 7 August deadline 9am Thursday 4 August.