Monday 5 March
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
7.15pm Lost For Words
Tuesday 6 March
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
1.10pm Lunchtime Concert
8.00pm Contemplative Prayer
Wednesday 7 March
7.45am Morning Prayer
8.00am The Eucharist
Thursday 8 March
9.30am Morning Prayer
10.00am The Eucharist
Friday 9 March
10.00am to 12 noon Small Saints
1.15pm The Eucharist
Saturday 10 March
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
10.00am Prayer for All Saints’
7.30pm Concert by City of London Sinfonia
Sunday 11 March 2012
Third Sunday of Lent
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Parish Eucharist
6.30pm Evensong (Hymns NEH 74, 384 (354) 70 (i) Psalm 11)
Prayer for All Saints - we will be meeting to pray for the church, especially for our mission and our life together during this time of vacancy. Saturday mornings, in the Quiet Garden at 10am, All are welcome. Jackie.
Tuesday lunchtime concerts - this week musicians from the Royal Academy of Music.
Tea, coffee and home made cakes in church, Saturday 17 March, 10am to 12 noon. Come and support our ‘Big Brew’ in aid of Traidcraft. Fairtrade food for sale.
SR Committee
Lost For Words – We will be having a Lent course in church on the
following evenings: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, March, and a final session on 16th April. At 7.15pm a bread and cheese supper will be served and then proceedings will start at 7.45pm and will end by 9.30pm. This will be a time where we can learn together about sharing faith personally in a non-cringy way! Please sign the sheet at the back of church if you would like to come.
Wycombe Homeless Connection - The retiring collection taken last
Sunday to support the work of the Wycombe Homeless Connection raised the magnificent sum of £744.12 to which can be added £111.75 of gift aid making a total of £855.87. This is a wonderful result and the All Saints' team are so very grateful for your generosity towards this very local Christian charity.
Annual Reports If you are responsible for the Annual Report for a church group or activity please submit your report by the end of March to the PCC Secretary, Ruth Harley. If you are able to email your report please send it to, otherwise please leave it in the letter rack at the back of church. If you have any queries or are not sure whether you need to submit a report please contact Ruth on 01494 259574 or 07791 389598.
Together in Prayer – An updated version of this leaflet is now available in church for you to take away and use.
Easter Lilies – If you would like a lily in church in memory of a loved one, please would you put the money and the name of the person to be
remembered into an envelope and hand it to the church office, the verger, Pat Lea, Liz Cunningham or myself by Sunday 25 March. The cost again this year will be £3 per lily. Elizabeth Cubbage
Prayer Guild will next meet on Tuesday 6 March, 7.30pm, at 17 St Bernard’s Court.
Shoe Box News – This Christmas volunteers from hundreds of local churches in fourteen countries distributed gift wrapped shoe boxes and the love of God to nearly 1.1 million children in desperate poverty. Thank you for helping to make this possible. For more stories do look at the Samaritans Purse newsletter on the board at the back of church and/or visit SR Committee
Admission to Communion: I will be pleased to hear from any child (or their agent!) who would like to start receiving Communion after a short preparation course. One child is set to be admitted in the Spring and I would love to enable others, when ready, to proceed in this very special way. Parents and children...please get in touch with me. Nicky Skipworth
PALM SUNDAY - YOUR CHANCE TO STAR We will be including a dramatic version of the Passion within the 9.45am service on Palm Sunday. In
order to do this we need some willing volunteers who are prepared to take on a small role, be a disciple, a passer-by or a tree! Please contact David Knights (07584 529044 or if you can help. There will be no (or very few) lines to learn and we will hold two rehearsals beforehand on Wednesday 21 March @ 7.30pm and Saturday 31 March @ 3pm in church. Please consider taking an active part to make this retelling effective and memorable.
Advance notice for Gardeners – This year’s plant stall in aid of church funds will take place on 9 June. Offers of help on the 8 or 9 June (and plants) will be most welcome. Rosemary Vere
There will be a Vocations Breakfast at Christ Church Flackwell Heath, on Saturday 21 April, 8.30am to 12.30pm. There will be a chance for you to ask questions and to explore forms of ministry. For further information and to book for this event call Cathy Smith on 01494 670389 or Tim Yates on 01494 772914.
Royal Jubilee Concert by Princes Risborough Music Society in All Saints’ Church, on Saturday 24 March at 7.30 pm. Favourite choral and orchestral music from coronations and related works. Tickets costing £12.00 from 01844 342202
Chaplaincy for Wycombe Annual General Meeting Thursday 29 March, 6.30 pm for refreshments High Wycombe Library, 5 Eden Place [second floor] Our speaker will be Rev Angela Overton-Benge Chaplain to Economic Life in Swindon. We shall also be reviewing the volunteer work of this local support initiative in the heart of the retail centre of Wycombe. Should you wish to consider working with us, please get in touch with our lead Chaplain Revd Yvonne Murphy 0784 736 7366.
Notices for Parish News: Issue 11 March Deadline 9am Thurs 18 March