All Saints' Services and News - Monday 13 February to Sunday 19 February

Services for the next week

Monday 13 February
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist

Tuesday 14 February
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
1.10pm Lunchtime Concert

Wednesday 15 February
7.45am Morning Prayer
8.00am The Eucharist

Thursday 16 February
9.30am Morning Prayer
10.00am The Eucharist

Friday 17 February
10.45am Funeral of Robert Hoyt
1.15pm The Eucharist

Saturday 18 February
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
10.00am Prayer for All Saints’

Sunday 19 February Sunday next before Lent
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Parish Eucharist
No Evensong

A Prayer to use during the Vacancy
Gracious and loving God, you have called us to serve this community of High Wycombe: during this time of vacancy help us to discern your will and guide those involved in the appointment process, so that together we may continue to grow in our mission and ministry. We ask this in the name of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for All Saints - we will be meeting to pray for the church, especially for our mission and our life together during this time of vacancy. Saturday mornings 10am in the Quiet Garden, all are welcome. Jackie.

Please note there will be NO Evensong on 19 February, as many will be at Southwell Minster for David’s collation as Archdeacon of Newark. All Saints Choir has been invited to sing at this service.

Tuesday lunchtime concerts - this week Rufus Frowde (Organist and Assistant Director of Music at the Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace).

The next Prayer Guild takes place on Wednesday 15 February, 7.30pm at 17 St Bernard’s Court.

TOWER RESTORATION/RINGAPPEAL: Provisional dates have been set for the start of the work on the tower. The clock must be removed first. The last time the old bells will be rung will be Monday 20 February before the wheels are dismantled on 23 February. The builders will take possession of the tower from 27 February. From that date the area under the tower will be fenced off, and there will be boarding over areas at the back and north of the church. Work on lowering the bells themselves is scheduled to start on 26 March. The west door will not be accessible, nor will the cupboards under the tower. Access to the kitchen and toilet facilities should not be prevented, but there will be times when heavy machinery will be moved about in this area. The work is likely to take about 6 months to complete, during which time there could be large amounts of wood and metal stored in the church. We will clear this as soon as possible. The level of disruption will vary during the summer; please bear with us while this work is in progress. In the meantime, we still need to raise about £50,000. Patricia Newton

Lost For Words - Following on from our Autumn course, where several people commented on seeking confidence in talking about faith, we will be having a Lent course in church on the following evenings: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, March, and a final session on 16th April. This will be a time where we can learn together about sharing faith personally in a non-cringy way! Please sign the sheet at the back of church if you would like to come.

Other opportunities for Lent: Town Centre Churches Together are offering ecumenical Lent groups. They will be using a course by David Adam, The Great I am. This takes the seven ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus from St John’s gospel and encourages us to find God in the present tense, rather than in the past tense. Please sign the list at the back of church indicating your choice of day and time as soon as possible and by 19 February at the latest.

Future Events - Following on from my letter last week, these events are suggested as possible opportunities for fellowship and to bring along those who don't usually come to church:

• Quiz Night around the theme of the Diamond
Jubilee (50’s costumes perhaps??!)
• A ‘Newcomers Welcome’ probably on a Sunday afternoon (including cake!) to help folk new to our church find out more about All Saints
• A harvest social (a Jazz night has been suggested)

We need people to run them. Some have gifts in baking lovely cakes! Some can offer warm hospitality. Some have organisational gifts, others can get alongside folk, and yet others have up-front skills. We need all of these. So, have a look at the list, and get in touch with one of the Pastoral Team (Hazel, Helen, Jackie, Derek, Alan, Maureen, Nicky Laurence, or Debbie) with your offers. We need teams of people to enable these events to happen. Debbie Orriss

Poverty and Homelessness: on 26 February during our morning worship we will be focussing on poverty and homelessness. There will be a display about the work of Wycombe Homeless Connection and a retiring collection. Please come prepared to support the valuable work they are doing.

Lighthouse 2012 - The dates are confirmed as 23 to 27 July. Please note these in your diaries, calendars and under fridge magnets etc, not only for children and young people, but also for adults who may wish to be 'leaders'. More details will follow. In the meantime we all are asked to start collecting items for craft (but please keep them at your homes at present) and to help you a separate list is available with the All Saints News. Many thanks. Richard Locke

Following the earlier successful trip to the West End we propose taking a coach to see Lion King on 24 April. Since advance booking helps to keep costs down could those of you interested please contact Joe Arthur, Carolyne Howe or Myra Rodrigues to make a provisional booking. You can email Joe on

Notices for Parish News: Issue Sunday 19 February deadline 9am Thursday 16 February