All Saints' Services and News - Monday 12 December to Sunday 18 December

Services for the next week

Monday 12 December
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
7.30pm Royal Grammar School Christmas Service

Tuesday 13 December
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
7.30pm Wycombe High School Christmas Service

Wednesday 14 December
7.45am Morning Prayer
8.00am The Eucharist
3.30pm Wycombe Abbey School Christmas Service

Thursday 15 December
9.30am Morning Prayer
10.00am The Eucharist
2.00pm High Wycombe C of E School Christmas Service

Friday 16 December
10am to 12 noon Small Saints
1.15pm The Eucharist

Saturday 17 December
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist

Sunday 18 December Fourth Sunday of Advent
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am All Age Parish Eucharist
6.30pm Service of Nine Lessons and Carols


Fairground Organ Saturday 17 December - Thank you to those who have already signed up - we’re looking for many more Collectors for next Saturday. Can you give an hour or two? Please sign the list at the back of Church today. If you can’t collect on the day, we are also running the popular “Organ Avoidance” scheme: You can give a donation, or one hour’s pay instead - Use the yellow Gift Aid envelopes & give to John Lord. All monies collected will go directly to All Saints’.

Christmas Outreach 22 December - Churches Together will be running an outreach event under the Guildhall on the High Street from 11am-3pm. We need help with giving out refreshments, singing carols, wrapping presents and face painting. Can you give an hour? It's a way of raising the profile of Jesus at this special time of year. Contact Debbie 07757171612. We also need donations of mince pies (baked or bought) to give out. Please leave any donations in the kitchen during the week of the Outreach. Many thanks.

Children's Nativity Play - this year will be in two parts, the main event taking place on Sunday 8 Jan during the 9.45 Eucharist. ALL are welcome to take part. In order to prepare, we will have a rehearsal during our Epiphany Party at 2pm on Tuesday 3 Jan in the Church. Please let me know if your children would like to take part and if they will be coming to the Party. Offers of help would be much appreciated. The Children's Minister- cathypicken@live

Following the announcement that David and Cathy will be leaving us in the New Year, some dates for your diary, are 15 January when after the Parish Eucharist there will be a shared lunch and 29 January which is a Civic Service, where David will preside for the final time. David will begin his ministry in the new Diocese after his Collation on Sunday 19 February at 5.30pm.

Advent Fayre Jewellery Stall A huge thank you to everyone at All Saints who donated items for sale. Thanks to your generosity and with the help of some Gold Scraps sold for cash, we have so far managed to raise just over £600. With luck, this figure may rise a little more over the next week or two. Thank you also to those who helped us on the day. Liz and Chris.

The Door newspaper is a valuable resource to churches in the Oxford Diocese and this is a plea from David for a new distributor to deliver bundles of the newspaper around the Wycombe Deanery churches once a month. The newspapers are delivered to a place of your choice and then are required to be distributed to 18 churches in the Wycombe Deanery. Perhaps there are a small group of people who would be prepared to share the distribution and take this on. John and Veronica Beaumont would be happy to tell you what is involved and can be contacted on 01494 523697, alternatively contact David on 01494 525602, or Helen in the Parish Office if you can help.

Wycombe Homeless Connection – Night shelter is starting from Monday 19 Dec 2011. Our commitment is from TUESDAY 20 DECEMBER 2011 until Tuesday 27 March 2012. We are asking for single duvet covers, pillows and VOLUNTEERS – for the evening, night and morning shifts to help and for people to do the washing.. Many thanks. Would you please contact Sheila Doig on 01494 445893 or Chris Lamb on 01494 637776.

Christmas Day Lunch Once again St Andrew’s Church, Hatters Lane are offering a Christmas Day lunch to anyone who would otherwise be on their own. For further information telephone 01494 529668 or email

Notices for Parish News: Issue Sunday 18 December deadline 9am Thursday 15 December