All Saints Services and News - Monday 24 October to Sunday 30 October

Services for the next week

Monday 24 October
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist

Tuesday 25 October
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
1.10pm Lunchtime Concert

Wednesday 26 October
7.45am Morning Prayer
8.00am The Eucharist
8.00pm Breathe

Thursday 27 October
9.30am Morning Prayer
10.00am The Eucharist

Friday 28 October
1.15pm The Eucharist

Saturday 29 October
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist

Sunday 30 October All Saints Sunday
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Parish Eucharist (with incense)
6.30pm Choral Eucharist (Hymns NEH 227 t184, 208, 225ii, Psalm 148)


The Tuesday Lunchtime concert this week is Beth Lynch, Soprano.

Breathe – Wednesday 26 October at 8pm in All Saints. An informal time of worship, prayer and bible study. All welcome.

Operation Christmas Child – Have fun filling your Christmas shoe boxes then return them to church on 30th October please. SR Committee

King James Bible 400th Anniversary Exhibition is at Wycombe Library until 31 December, go and see how it changed our world!

All Souls Service of Remembrance will be at 12noon on Wednesday 2 November to which all are welcome. During the service the departed will be remembered by name. If you have a loved one whom you wish to be remembered, please enter their name to the list at the back of church, or contact the Parish Office.

Ringappeal - One of our young bellringers, 12 year old Samantha, has been set a challenge at school to seek sponsorship for an activity in order to raise funds for charity. Samantha has chosen to support RINGAPPEAL by attempting to ring a quarter peal of Stedman Triples prior to evensong on Sunday 30th October. This will involve about 50 minutes of continuous ringing and will be a physical and mental challenge. Please contact Tricia Newton (01844 352926) or see one of the bellringers after the 9.45 service if you would like to sponsor Samantha.

Apple juice there are still some bottles for sale of John and Marjorie White’s bottled apple juice, made from their own home grown apples. The blend is Bramley and Newton Wonder and it produces a real taste of tart, fresh English apples, which will keep for over a year. The cost is £2.50 per bottle and proceeds are going to church funds.

Christmas concert in All Saints’ at which, like last year, we will have a variety of acts in the church for the shoppers in the High Street to come in and enjoy. There will be no charge for entry but donations will be welcomed. please note 26 November in your diary and if you can help in anyway by performing or serving on refreshments. Please talk to Joe Arthur or Elizabeth Rolfe.

All Saint’s Gift Day - We will be launching this on Sunday 30 October, with a Bring and Share lunch in Church on 6 November & the presentation of Pledges at the services on the 20 November. Please look for your letters next week and be part of extending the practical and financial support of our Church.

St Mary & St George’s Church, Rutland Avenue will be holding a Quiz Night with a Fish and Chip Supper on Saturday 29 October, 7pm. To book a ticket telephone 01628 527381, 01494 527111 or 01494 437800.

Nicky Skipworth invites you to join folks from St James' going to the 2012 Greenbelt Christian Festival (23 to 28 August). With renowned speakers, live music, art and many different forms of worship, Greenbelt celebrates the best and breadth of the Church ancient and modern....and, NO, you don't have to be a teenager or stay in a tent!! Significant discounts for early bookers. Find out more at then, if interested, please contact Nicky asap.

Notices for Parish News: Issue Sunday 30 October deadline 9am Thursday 27 October