All Saints' Services and News - Sunday 28 August to Sunday 4 September

Services for the next week

Sunday 28 August Tenth Sunday after Trinity
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Parish Eucharist with
Holy Baptism
6.30pm Evensong (Hymns NEH 397, 404, 250, Psalm 105 1-15)

Monday 29 August
Bank Holiday, no Morning Prayer or

Tuesday 30 August
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist

Wednesday 31 August
7.45am Morning Prayer
8.00am The Eucharist

Thursday 1 September
9.30am Morning Prayer
10.00am The Eucharist

Friday 2 September
1.15pm The Eucharist

Saturday 3 September
9.00am Morning Prayer
9.15am The Eucharist
3.00pm Quiz Tea in aid of Ringappeal

Sunday 4 September Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Parish Eucharist
6.30pm Choral Evensong (Hymns NEH 341, 336, 251, Psalm 108)


Coming soon starting Monday 19 September in church
Five evenings over five weeks for the whole church to come together to think and pray for our vision for growing the church. There will be a light supper from 7.15pm and the sessions will begin with worship at 7.50pm. To help us with catering arrangements, next week there will be a sign up sheet at the back of church.

Quiz Tea in aid of Ringappeal This fundraising event will be held on Saturday 3 September in Church at 3pm. The Quiz will be more in the form of clues and a hunt all around Church, followed by Tea with a prize for the winner. Tickets, priced £5 for Adults and £3 for under 14s, are on sale today. Please see the Newtons or Cunninghams. If you attend the 8am or 6.30pm services please telephone Liz or Chris about Tickets on HW: 529179

War Horse tickets, available to us, are nearly sold out with only two places left for 4 October. It is an evening performance. Please call Joe Arthur on 01494 534582 if you are interested.

A huge thank you from Gill Blair for the £255 worth of sponsorship which I received this morning in church for my Walk The Chalk - The Chilterns 3 Peaks Challenge. I will be walking the 9 miles & climbing the 3 peaks of Whiteleaf Cross, Coombe Hill & Ivinghoe Beacon on Sept 18th in aid of Iain Rennie Hospice at Home who helped me care for my husband Bill in the last few weeks of his life. I am hoping to raise a minimum £1,000 for such a worthy local cause. If anyone else is interested in helping, please visit or see me in church after the event, towards the end of September.

Fun Charity Fundraiser: Saturday 3 September in Oakley Hall from 10.30 - 3.30 for 'Body & Soul' a charity caring for people affected by HIV and their families. Delicious cakes, drinks and pampering (massages, nail painting, make-overs) and fabulous prizes donated by local businesses. Please bring your family and friends for a fun event to help this very worthy cause.

The trip to Wells Cathedral was enjoyed by all with a guided tour of the Cathedral and leaving everyone to visit the town and market for the rest of the day. We used the funds available after expenses to give a free trip to four from the Night Shelter. With the various events that Myra and I have run over the past year there is always much work to be done in preparation so we could do with help. If you enjoy fund raising through concerts, seaside trips or to Cathedrals and Theatres please talk to us and consider joining with us.

Used postage stamps may be taken to The South Bucks Hospice shop in White Hart Street where they will be sent to their head office for recycling.

Second Hand Furniture If you would rather your unwanted but still useful furniture went to a person in desperate need or on a very low income rather than a charity shop, please contact High Wycombe Central Aid Society (West Richardson Street) 01494 443459.

Are you interested in becoming a Town centre Chaplain? The town centre chaplaincy are holding a taster session on Saturday 24 September, 11am, at The Wesley Methodist Church on Priory Road. (Coffee served from 10.30am). For further information contact The Revd Yvonne Murphy on 07847 367366.

Karaoke Disco & West Indian Buffet - Saturday 1 October...more details will follow nearer the date.

Robert and Tricia Newton will be giving a talk on bells and bellringing on behalf of the Friends of Buckinghamshire's Historic Churches at Chalfont St Giles on Thursday 8 September, 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. Tickets are available from Robert Newton on 01844 352926 or from Nick Morgan on 01844 291217 for £7 which includes a glass of wine.

Joan of Arc a musical will be performed at Arts4every1 Centre, Old St John’s Church, Desborough Road, High Wycombe, 19- 22 October at 8pm, with a matinee as well on the 22 October at 3pm. For further information and tickets go to or telephone 0844 3570093.

Notices for Parish News: Issue Sunday 4 September deadline 9am Thursday 1 September